UV Absorber plastic additives:

  1. UV absorber additives in plastics help to reduce the photo oxidation and increase the life and colorfastness of the plastic articles.
  2. Plastic articles when exposed to direct sun light degrades very fast. These articles strength and colorfastness degrades and durability is reduced.
  3. The degradation of the plastic articles is due to photo oxidation of the polymers when it is exposed to sun light directly or indirectly.
  4. The UV radiation of the sun light enhance the photo oxidation.
  5. Sarex offers a range of UV absorber plastic additives such as Appolo 1164, Appolo 1164L, Appolo 1577, Appolo 1579 which are Hydroxy Phenyl Triazine based UV absorbers for plastics.
  6. These UV absorbers for plastics are very low volatile at high process temperature and offers excellent UV absorber performance over Benzotriazoles and Benzophenones.
  7. The spectral properties of the Triazine UV absorbers for plastics exhibits the strongest absorption in the region of 300 nm, with two absorption maxima in short wave UV at about 300 nm (strong) and in long wave UV at about 340 nm (weak).
  8. Besides photo performance, Triazine UV absorbers physical loss by evoporation is very low due to low vapor pressure.
  9. Triazine UV absorbers for plastics are having very low leaching, migration and chemical loss by photo chemical reaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How UV absorber useful in Plastics?

UV absorber additives in plastics help to reduce the photo oxidation and increase the life and colorfastness of the plastic articles.

What type of products Sarex has for UV absorber Plastic?

Sarex offers a range of UV absorber plastic additives such as Appolo 1164, Appolo 1164L, Appolo 1577, Appolo 1579 which are Hydroxy Phenyl Triazine based UV absorbers for plastics.

At what wavelength Triazine UV absorbers for plastics shows the strongest absorption?

The spectral properties of the Triazine UV absorbers for plastics exhibits the strongest absorption in the region of 300 nm.

Which type of Triazine compound is used in Greenhouse?

Appolo-1164 is useful in Polyethylene sheets which are used for agriculture/Greenhouse films.

Do you have any compound which can be used in PPE?

Yes. We have Appolo-1579 which is used in non-woven fabrics which are used in Face masks as PPE.