EHS Policy

SAREX is committed to manage "Environment Health and Safety" in all of its operations as a Principal Business Objective. SAREX believes that avoidance of accidents is a realistic, practical and achievable goal. It is SAREX's objective to achieve excellence in Environment Health and Safety by eliminating or reducing as far as practically possible the potential and severity of personal injuries. And impact on the environment and community. Arising out of its operations

The Policy embodies the following:

  1. We considers Environment, Health & Safety as a fundamental management concern Economic consideration will not have priority over Implementation of Safety & Environment protection measures. We are committed to have continual Improvement in EHS performance.
  2. We shall take every possible care to prevent Incidents, which may result in personal injury, and impact to the environment or community.
  3. Apply realistic efforts to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, fire explosions, pollution and damage to equipment property and accidental release of hazardous substance.
  4. We shall always be alert, equipped &ready; to respond to both emergencies.
  5. Carry out intermittent medical check-up of employees.
  6. Ensure effectiveness of pollution control devices like ETP, scrubbers etc.
  7. Set and review EHS objectives & targets on point mentioned above.
  8. All unsafe conditions shall be avoided. It is a prime objective of SAREX.
  9. We shall involve employees at all levels by forming Safety Committee on the matters related to Health and Safety.
  10. Observance of safe work practices shall remain a condition of employment. Employees, Contractor and their employees working on SAREX behalf and transporters coming to factory have an obligation to work in safest possible manner in accordance with SAREX safety procedures.
  11. Education, training and Communication are recognized as essential elements of company's health and safety objectives.
  12. EHS not only makes good business sense but also helps the individual to prevent personal injuries both on and off the job to maintain and improve productivity and employee morale
  13. Waste minimization, recycling and cleaner technologies shall remain an on-going exercise.
  14. We shall comply to Legislative & other requirements related with Environment & Safety.
  15. The policy shall be made available to concerned individuals, stake holders and organization etc., whenever it is required.


  1. EC Compliance Submission to RO MOEF
  2. EC Letter
  3. MPCB Form V