DENIBLOCK | Resist effect on Indigo dyed denim

Product Information

Deniblock is a product developed to achieve resist effect on Indigo dyed denim fabric. Fabric portion treated with Deniblock will resist the KMnO4 bleaching action. The treated portion will remain unaffected (appears original blue) whereas the rest portion will appear lighter as a result of bleaching.

 Deniblock is applicable by spraying, stencil, brush etc. It is also applicable by printing method.

Key Features & Benefits
Key Features Benefits
Deniblock will resist the bleaching action
Special effects achieved
General Characteristics
Physical appearance
Colourless liquid
Ionic nature Nonionic
pH of 1% solution 9 +/- 1
Miscibility Miscible with water
Stability Stable to dilute acid and dilute alkalies
Compatibility Compatible with anionic, cationic and nonionic products

Process to be followed:- 

- Desizing and drying 

- Treatment with Deniblock: Spraying/Printing 

- Drying at 130 deg.C, 2 min (complete drying) 

- Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) bleaching : Spraying/Dipping 

- Removal of brown stains - Helar-PPN (Conc)  

- Washing 

Deniblock application by Spraying : 

- Prepare 15-20% solution of Deniblock 

- Spray it as per the design requirement 

- Dry it at 130 deg.C for 2 min. (for complete drying) 

- Bleaching with 5 g/l kMn04 at room temperature for 10 min. 

- Drying 

- Wash with 10 g/l Helar-PPN (Conc) + 10 g/l H202 at room temperature for 10 min. 

- Cold wash and dry

Deniblock application by Printing : 

- Prepare the printing paste with 15-20% Deniblock with suitable thickener 

- Print and dry at 160 deg.C, 1 min. (for complete drying) 

- Bleach the printed fabric with 5 g/l kMn04 at room temperature for 10 min. 

- Drying at 60 deg.C for 30 min 

- Wash with 10 g/l Helar-PPN (Conc) + 10 g/l H202 at room temperature for 10 min. 


Storage : Store in cool, ventilated shed away from heat and direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed 35 deg C. Close lids firmly to avoid contact with air and moisture.

Shelf Life : 9 months from the date of manufacturing, if stored under controlled conditions.

The above information is given in good faith and is without warranty