Cost, Time and Energy Saving Auxiliaries

As manufacturers face an increasingly competitive global business environment, they seek opportunities to reduce production costs without negatively affecting product yield or quality.

For public and private companies alike, rising energy prices are driving up costs and decreasing value added at the plant. Successful, cost-effective investment into energy-efficiency technologies and practices meets the challenge of maintaining the output of a high-quality product despite reduced production costs. 

This is especially important in the current age, as energy-efficient technologies often include “additional” benefits, such as increasing the productivity of the company or reducing the water and/or materials consumption.

Sr. No. Product Name Short Description Description
1 BIOPOL-PLUS (CONC) Multicomponent enzyme and Peroxide Killer

An innovative multicomponent enzyme, effective for peroxide killing and biopolishing in one stage operation


Clay based bleaching aid

A clay-based, eco-friendly and low foaming, all-in-one product for pretreatment of cellulosic and its blends.

3 ESSBLEACH-BL low-temperature bleach activator

A low-temperature bleach activator for cotton & its blends. It catalyzes the peroxide at a lower temperature, thereby saving energy, time and total cost.


Low alkali all in one pretreatment product

A biodegradable product and require low alkali during bleaching of cellulosic substrate.

5 PARAKOL-LTW Low temperature washing off agent in powder form

It works effectively at lower temperatures of 65 deg.C. It ensures easy removal of hydrolysed reactive dyes from cotton substrate and prevents re-deposition thereby improving overall fastness properties

6 POLYSCOUR - 7170 Polyester scouring agent in acidic medium

It is very powerful scouring agent stable to high temperature and turbulence facilitating effective removal of various additives from the polyester fabrics thus can be used for scouring and dyeing in one bath


Reduction Clearing Agent in Acidic Medium

An acid reduction clearing agent available in powder form.

8 UNIV-811 All in one Pretreatment Agent

It replaces caustic, stabilizer and sequestering agent in bleaching bath. It reduces weight loss of cotton by 1-2% and hence more kilogram of material is achieved after bleaching. Very low  Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the drain bath hence minimizing the pollution potential.


All in one Pretreatment Agent

A novel all-in-one low foaming product for scouring and bleaching of cotton. It requires only peroxide, and does not need addition of caustic during bleaching.

10 WHITEX-2357

OBA for Bluish tone

A low temperature curable optical brightener with bluer tone to obtain brilliant white and high sublimation fastness for polyester and its blend. It is suitable for exhaust as well as pad application. It is stable to peroxide.